The Shadow of Suicide: Passive Suicidality


What happens when you read that word? For some it strikes fear, for some it causes immeasurable grief, and some may notice no feeling at all, simply a numbness that spreads throughout the mind and body. 

But what about those who find their mind wandering toward thoughts of suicide? Multiple times a week, even multiple times a day. Some people experience active suicidality, but some have an almost familiar relationship with thoughts of dying. These people may not want to kill themselves, but they do sometimes feel that life itself is too heavy of a burden to carry. Their friends and family might not know the thoughts that wander into their minds as easily as a grocery list. A dark daydream that feels as normal as drinking water. 

These are people who would say “I’m not really suicidal. It’s not that big of a thing.” They don’t want to mention it because they don’t want to scare the people they love. They don’t want to seem crazy. 

They don’t want people to overreact. 

I completely understand why these people feel that way. And what they need to know is this: passive suicidality is normal, and it is also something that needs to be treated. We certainly don’t want to overreact, but it is more dangerous to underreact. You might not be a serious risk to yourself or someone else, but you deserve to live a life of joy and purpose. 

And you don’t need to face the shadow of suicide alone. We provide a safe space to explore these feelings and find relief. Schedule a session today.


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